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During full-time first-cycle studies, two foreign languages ​​are taught for four semesters, each course lasting 30 hours per semester.

One foreign language course must be completed at least at B2 level, which is required by the acts of law: Ustawa z dnia 22 grudnia 2015 o Zintegrowanym Systemie Kwalifikacji, Dz.U. 2016 poz. 64 z późn. zm. and Rozporządzenie Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 14 listopada 2018 w sprawie charakterystyki drugiego stopnia dla kwalifikacji na poziomach 6-8 Polskiej Ramy Kwalifikacji, Dz.U. 2018 poz. 2218 (Act of December 22, 2015 on the Integrated Qualifications System, Journal of Laws 2016 item 64, as amended, and the Regulation by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of November 14, 2018 on the characteristics of the second level for qualifications at levels 6-8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework, Journal of Laws 2018, item 2218).


To continue learning a language that you studied before, you can choose from among the following options:

English language level B2, group code CJ-S1-1/1-ENG.B2

English language level C1, group code CJ-S1-1/1-ENG.C1

Spanish language level B1, group code CJ-S1-1/1-SPA.B1

German language level B1, group code CJ-S1-1/1-GER.B1


As your second foreign language, you can choose one of the following options:

Spanish language level A1, group code CJ-S1-1/1-SPA.A1

German language level A1, group code CJ-S1-1/1-GER.A1

Polish language level A1, group code CJ-S1-1/1-PLO.A1 (available to foreign nationals only)


When registering for language courses, the order of applications is important. Students who register for foreign language courses early will have a greater choice of languages ​​and dates.


The choice of the second language is limited, as it depends on the staffing capabilities of the Language Center. Specific languages ​​will be available until the upper limit of places in groups is reached.


The dates of the language groups specified in the token registration are coordinated with the Teaching Department, which means that the hours of language classes that students are registering for will not overlap with other courses.


After registering for language courses, please check whether you have accidentally registered for two groups on the same date. If this is the case, you should unregister from one language course and re-register at another time.


When choosing two language courses, a student cannot choose one language at two different levels.


The last stage of registering for a foreign language course is to link (assign) the course in the USOSweb system to the appropriate stage of studies.

In full-time second-cycle studies, one foreign language is required for two semesters, 30 hours per semester.


Students who have completed their Bachelor’s degree and have confirmed their willingness to study at the next level can sign up for foreign language courses.


When registering for language classes, the order of applications is important. Therefore, students who register for language courses early will have a greater choice of dates.


After registering for a foreign language course, it is mandatory to link (assign) this subject in the USOSweb system to the appropriate stage of study. The language course should be again linked to the appropriate stage of studies also after the start of the second semester of study.

Part-time first-cycle studies require learning one foreign language for four semesters, 30 hours per semester.

Part-time students do not have the opportunity to choose the date of the language group. Language classes for specific study majors have a time and day specified in agreement with the Teaching Department.


Fixed dates of language classes for specific fields of study:


International Business: Friday 18:30 – 21:00

Course code: CJ-N1-1/1-ENG.B2, CJ-N1-1/1-ENG.C1


Global finance and accounting: Friday 18:30 – 21:00

Course code: CJ-N1-1/1-ENG.B2, CJ-N1-1/1-ENG.C1


After registering for a foreign language course, it is mandatory to link (assign) this subject in the USOSweb system to the appropriate stage of study. The language course should be again linked to the appropriate stage of study after the beginning of each subsequent semester.

Part-time second-cycle studies require taking one foreign language course for two semesters, 18 hours per semester.


Students who have completed their Bachelor’s degree and have confirmed their willingness to study at the next level can sign up for foreign language courses.


Part-time students do not have the opportunity to choose the date of the language group. Language classes for specific fields of study have a time and day specified in consultation with the Teaching Department.


Fixed date of language classes: Sunday 10:30-13:00

Course code: CJ-N2-1/1-ENG.B2, CJ-N2-1/1-ENG.C1


After registering for a foreign language course, it is mandatory to link (assign) this subject in the USOSweb system to the appropriate stage of study. The language course should again be linked to the appropriate stage of studies also after the start of the second semester of study.