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Exemption from language course

In accordance with the KUE Study Regulations, credits and pass grades in subjects, including foreign languages, are transcribed by the Director of the given Institute  (Regulamin Studiów w Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Krakowie, załącznik do Uchwały senatu nr T.0022.55.2023 z dnia 26 czerwca 2023 roku, , Chapter 4: Rules for obtaining credits for subjects and semesters, §30: Recognition of course credits).


Therefore, a student who wants to have his/her grade for a foreign language course credited should submit an appropriate application to the COS no later than two weeks from the beginning of the semester in which the course is taken. After obtaining consent from the Director of the Institute to transcribe the credit and/or the grade, the COS employee enters the data into the USOS system based on the issued decision.

If you have any questions, please contact the COS