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  1. All first-year students are required to register for language courses in the USOSweb system by participating in token registration process before the beginning of the semester. Information about the registration process is available in the Class enrollment tab – click here.
  2.  Students who have not registered for language courses in the USOS system must send an application form to the Language Center secretariat. The Language Center does not accept registrations by phone or in person at the secretariat. Full-time students who register for their classes via the Language Centre form will not have the opportunity to choose the date of their classes. In the case of first-cycle students, they also will not have the opportunity to choose their second foreign language. Students will be entered into groups in which there are places available after the token registration closes.Because every year the number of students who do not fulfill their obligation to register for language courses in the USOSweb system is very large, please note: When using the form, the student will be registered for language courses late (only at the end of October or even the beginning of November), thus losing the opportunity to participate in classes before that time.The registration form will be available after the token registration in the USOSweb system closes.
  3. For information on how to sign up for repeating a foreign language course – click here.
  4. For information about registration for students taking language courses within the framework of curricular differences – click here.

Yes, assigning language courses in the system is mandatory, and it needs to be done at the beginning of each subsequent semester.

  1. Log in to the USOSweb system
  2. Go to the “MÓJ USOSWEB” (“MY USOSWEB”) tab
  3. On the left side, click on “GRUPY ZAJĘCIOWE” (“COURSE GROUPS”), and the “Moje zajęcia” (“My classes”) page will open. Find a foreign language in the list of subjects and click on “Lektorat” (“Language course”) on the left. A page will open where you will find all information about the language course.
  1. In your USOSweb account, please check the name of the course group and the name of the Teacher responsible for teaching the course.
  2. Then go to the KUE’s plan of studies/class schedule (“Plan zajęć”) page at:
  3. In the “Teachers” bar, click on the first letter of the name of the person responsible for the language course; then select your Teacher from the list of teachers.
  4. After opening the plan of studies/class schedule (“Plan zajęć”), the room number will be displayed next to your group.

Obtained external certificates (this applies to certified exams only) do not exempt you from the need to participate in classes, but they may exempt you from taking a standardized exam, in accordance with the information available in the “Egzamin końcowy” (“Final Exam”) tab.

Changing the language level is possible until November 15. The group level can only be changed at the beginning of the first semester, after which the language classes are continued at the selected level for the next four semesters.

In order to change the level of the language group, please send a form.

When changing the level of the language course, the student cannot choose the date of classes. Based on the submitted form, you will be enrolled in the least numerous group at the given level of instruction.

When applying to change the level of the language course to a lower one (less advanced), the student must attach the opinion of the lecturer conducting the classes as an attachment to the form. Two types of attachments are accepted:

  1. Scan of the opinion with the lecturer’s handwritten signature.
  2. Screenshot of the page with the teacher’s e-mail address visible – if the opinion was sent to the student by e-mail.

In case of changing the level of the language course to a higher one (more advanced), the teacher’s opinion is not required.

You may change the date of a language group in two cases:

  1. If you mistakenly registered for two language courses on the same date and you are no longer able to make changes in the USOSweb system. You should then send an e-mail message to the Language Center secretariat with a request to change the date of one language course. The e-mail should include: your name, surname, album number, and field of study. Please note that you cannot choose a date by yourself. Based on your e-mail message, you will be transferred to the smallest group in the given language, at the given level.
  2. If you are following two fields of study simultaneously, and the dates of the language course overlap with other classes. In that case you should contact the Language Center secretariat by e-mail. The e-mail should include: your name, surname, album number, field of study at KUE and the name of the second university. You must prove the scheduling conflict (overlapping dates) by sending your timetable from the other university. Two possibilities are accepted:

> If the other university uses the USOS system, you must log in to the system and send a print screen of the class schedule with the student’s name and surname visible.

> If you are not supported in the USOS system at the second university, you must send a scan of the ID card from the other university (2 pages) and the available format of the study plan.