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Part time, first-cycle studies

Rules for crediting foreign language courses for students of part time, first-cycle studies    
Course: Foreign language 1 / Foreign language 2 

  • The “Foreign language 1” course concludes with crediting, with grade, after two semesters of study.  The “Foreign language 2” course concludes with an examination after two semesters of study.  
  • The detailed description of requirements is defined in Karta przedmiotu (course chart) and syllabus published on the KUE Language Centre (Centrum Językowe UEK) website.  

Foreign language 1 / Foreign language 2

(Select an option)

  • The final grade for the course of “Foreign language 1” is calculated based on the total points from the first and second semester. At the end of first semester, “zal” (“pass”) is recorded, which means obtaining 50% plus 1 of the pool of points for that semester.
  • The test(s) is(are) MANDATORY.
  • The final grade for the course of “Foreign language 2” is a weighted arithmetic mean from the current grade from the third and fourth semester (40 %) and the grade from the final exam (60 %) – provided that both these grades are pass grades. At the end of third semester, “zal” (“pass”) is recorded, which means obtaining 50% plus 1 of the pool of points for that semester.